Journals / Earth Sciences
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Subject Heading
- Allgemeine Geowissenschaften 284 Hits
- Geophysik 220 Hits
- Meteorologie 219 Hits
- Allgemeine Geographie 199 Hits
- Ozeanographie 196 Hits
45 additional values:
- Paläontologie 156 Hits
- Lagerstättenkunde 149 Hits
- Hydrologie 115 Hits
- Mineralogie 108 Hits
- Geotechnik 90 Hits
- Bergbau 86 Hits
- Geoinformatik 86 Hits
- Klimatologie 85 Hits
- Fernerkundung 77 Hits
- Polarforschung 76 Hits
- Kartographie 74 Hits
- Raumplanung 73 Hits
- Bodenkunde 71 Hits
- Geodäsie 70 Hits
- Geochemie 64 Hits
- Klimaänderung 58 Hits
- Meeresbiologie 53 Hits
- Kristallographie 49 Hits
- Regionalentwicklung 49 Hits
- Regionalgeographie Osteuropa 48 Hits
- Regionale Geowissenschaften Osteuropa 47 Hits
- Regionalgeographie Südamerika 46 Hits
- Petrochemie 43 Hits
- Sozialgeographie 42 Hits
- Historische Reisebeschreibungen 41 Hits
- Wirtschaftsgeographie 39 Hits
- Quartärforschung 36 Hits
- Regionale Geowissenschaften Österreich 36 Hits
- Regionale Geowissenschaften Südamerika 34 Hits
- Hydrogeologie 33 Hits
- Ingenieurgeologie 32 Hits
- Physische Geographie 30 Hits
- Regionale Geowissenschaften Deutschland 30 Hits
- Planetologie 29 Hits
- Sedimentologie 29 Hits
- Stadtplanung 29 Hits
- Astronomie 27 Hits
- Regionale Geowissenschaften Nordamerika 26 Hits
- Fachdidaktik Geographie 25 Hits
- Geodynamik 25 Hits
- Glaziologie 25 Hits
- Küstenforschung 25 Hits
- Regionalgeographie Deutschland 25 Hits
- Geomorphologie 23 Hits
- Tektonik 23 Hits
Subject Area
- Journals / Earth Sciences 3,919 Hits
- Journals / Mathematics, Science 439 Hits
- Journals / Architecture and Civil Engineering 372 Hits
- Journals / Life Sciences 352 Hits
- Journals / Energy, Environment Protection, Nuclear Engineering 158 Hits
11 additional values:
- Journals / History 117 Hits
- Journals / Politics, Social Sciences, Sociology 116 Hits
- Journals / Economics 87 Hits
- Journals / Mechanical Engineering, Technology 82 Hits
- Journals / Linguistics and Literary Studies 18 Hits
- Journals / General, Cross-Subject 15 Hits
- Journals / Art 9 Hits
- Journals / Education, Philosophy, Psychology, Theology 9 Hits
- Journals / Electrical Engineering 7 Hits
- Journals / Law 5 Hits
- Journals / Music, Sports, Games 1 Hit
First Letter
3,919 Hits
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- Unrestricted Access
- Licensed by the Library
- Accessible through the Library
- Partially licensed by the Library
- No Access
Services licensed by the library are only allowed to be used for the purposes of study, teaching, research and further education. Commercial use is excluded.