

Non-genetic effects on birth weight of MEVEZUG creole sheep in Guerrero, México

Abstract: A total of 1,157 records of the birth weight of 324 MEVEZUG creole sheep were used, with parturitions between 2004 and 2017, located at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics N.1 of the Autonomous University of Guerrero, Mexico. The purpose of the

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A study on milk yield persistency using the best prediction and random regression methodologies in Iranian Holstein dairy cows

Abstract: The data consisted of 435,390 test day milk yield records of primiparous cows in 659 herds calving from 2001 to 2011. Evaluation of persistency using best prediction methodology showed that the phenotypic correlation between this persistency measure and total

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Physical-chemical and microbiological performance of Siboney de Cuba cows milk

Abstract: In order to evaluate physical-chemical and microbiological parameters of milk from lactating Siboney de Cuba cows in September-January 2017 interval in dairy-60 "La Jibara", the sampling at 50 % of the milking herd within the period was performed. The laborat

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Determinant factors of livestock production in a rural community in the southwest of Holguín, Cuba

Abstract: The objective of this research was to analyze the determinant factors of livestock production in a rural community in the southwest of Holguín province. Edaphoclimatic information was obtained from spatial data of the region and from the production of 21 farm

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Bromatological characterization of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) pulp for animal feeding purposes

Abstract: To determine the variability of the bromatological composition of coffee pulp in the province of Loja, a study was carried out by means of stratified sampling and random block design, in 18 beneficiary plants from six cantons (Espíndola, Zosoranga, Puyango, C

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Performance traits of growing pigs fed on diets of royal palm nut meal

Abstract: This study evaluated the feeding of fattening pigs with variable levels of royal palm nuts, fruit of the Cuban royal palm (Roystonea regia H.B.K. Cook). The royal palm nuts was ground together with the rest of the ingredients of the diet, after being dried in

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Apparent digestibility of nutrients in fattening pigs (Largewhite x Duroc x Pietrain), fed with taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) meal. Technical note

Abstract: In order to determine the apparent digestibility of nutrients from taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) tubers meal in fattening pigs, three castrated male pigs were used, product of the commercial cross (Largewhite x Duroc x Pietrain), with average live we

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Effect of taro tubers (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) silage on the productive performance of commercial pigs. Technical note

Abstract: In order to evaluate the effect of taro tuber silage with natural yogurt on the productive performance of commercial pigs, a total of 60 castrated male pigs from the commercial hybrid Pietrain x Duroc x Landrace, of 70d of age, with initial average live weigh

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Comparative evaluation of processes for production of soybean meal for poultry feed in Nigeria

Abstract: This work examined and compared three processes for production of low trypsin inhibitor soybean meal. Soybean flour was subjected to roasting, autoclaving and steaming to denature trypsin inhibitors. Roasting was done at 120, 130, 135 and 140 ºC for 5, 7, 8 a

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Performance of new varieties of Cenchrus purpureus, tolerant to drought, during dry period

Abstract: In order to evaluate the morphological and productive performance of new varieties of Cenchrus purpureus (CT-601, CT-603, CT-605, CT-608, CT-609 and CUBA CT-115 as control), tolerant to drought in different regrowth ages (60, 90, 120, 150 days), in the dry se

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Bromatological characterization of three agricultural wastes of interest in ruminants feeding, in Sinaloa, Mexico. Technical note

Abstract: In order to characterize the bromatological composition of three agricultural wastes: maize (Zea mays), sorghum (Sorghum sp.) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum) in Sinaloa state, Mexico, selected for their possibilities of use in ruminants feeding, was determined

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Potentiality of the forage meal of Stizolobium niveum and Stizolobium aterrimum as a nutraceutical for animal feeding

Abstract: A completely randomized design with five repetitions was used to evaluate the nutraceutical value of the forage meal of Stizolobium niveum and Stizolobium aterrimum for their use in animal feeding. The experiment was performed in September, on a brown soil wi

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Criterios de Evaluación
Criterios Básicos de Admisión Criterios Básicos de Admisión
{{criterio.prioridadCriterio}}. {{criterio.observaciones}}
{{criterio.prioridadCriterio}}. {{criterio.observaciones}}
Criterios Altamente Valorados / Criterios Deseables Criterios Cualitativos
{{criterio.prioridadCriterio}}. {{criterio.observaciones}}
{{criterio.prioridadCriterio}}. {{criterio.observaciones}}
Criterios Altamente Valorados Cuantitativos
{{criterio.prioridadCriterio}}. {{criterio.observaciones}}