
Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture.

1 Year / 4 Issues
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1 Year / 4 Issues
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Jabalia’s Mass Graves Are a Lesson in Horror

Mass graves in Jabalia stand as a harrowing testament to the brutality of Israel’s war on Gaza. Israeli forces continue to kill anything that moves, openly flouting Joe Biden’s “red line” in Rafah and pushing the crisis to apocalyptic levels.

The New Atheists had reactionary politics and a distorted view of science, but they owe their demise to a more fundamental flaw in their ideology: religion can’t explain all the world’s problems.

Without Solidarity, the Left Has Nothing

The aims of the Left are impossible to achieve without community of purpose. Socialists organize around economic justice for a reason: it is the essential foundation for building a sense of solidarity broad enough to drive meaningful change.