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Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing

Volltext online seit: Jg. 1, 1992
Verlag: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Erscheinungsweise: Volltext, Online und Druckausgabe
Kosten: kostenpflichtig
ISSN (Onlineausgabe): 1540-7306
ISSN (Druckausgabe): 1054-8408
Anmerkung: The Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing is a managerially oriented and applied journal which serves as a medium through which researchers and managers in the field of travel and tourism can exchange ideas and keep abreast with the latest developments in the field. Before this journal was created, there was no professional journal dedicated entirely to the specific area of travel and tourism marketing from managerial perspectives. And in a recent survey of directors of four-year hospitality programs, the journal was rated sixth of refereed journals covering the field. This greatly needed journal expands professionals’ knowledge in the field through the innovations in applied marketing research and management practices.
ZDB-Nummer: 2112951-4

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